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Love Faith Serenity and Inner Peace
In these cases
It would be appropriate considering
What is the fortune
And which kind of fortune
The one that brings money?
This is only fortuity
Nothing else
A bunch of numbers
That crossed themselves
Fuse themselves
And give a result
That not always can be defined
But it remains always something
Of very important
One cannot rely upon fortune
Whatever it may be
To arrange something
That concerns the future
That something
Cannot be material
Therefore to achieve it
Is not enough
And has no value
The fortune
But only one’s own will
And determination
In wanting with absolute certainty
And sincerity
To have or to conquer
Relying upon chance
Chance almost always is chance
Meaning lacking of any foundation
That should make and preserve
The solidity of a building
If we think about our future
We cannot rely upon chance

Picture of  Fortune